Refurbished Turbine Components

Business type

RTC are an engineering company, based in Droitwich, that specialise in bespoke component repair and engineering support to businesses in the power, petrochemical and industrial sectors.


JRMA started to work with RTC when they were established in 2021. As a brand new start-up, they were keen have good bookkeeping processes from the beginning. RTC are a team of engineers with a strong systems-bias, so they were keen to extend this bias into the accounts work from the very beginning to maintain maximum efficiency.

JRMA services used

Firstly, we installed and configured Sage 50 to suit RTC, by customising the descriptions, layouts and forms. Then we trained one of the owners to use Sage 50 himself to do his own bookkeeping, such as raising sales invoices, purchase orders and invoices and processing bank transactions. And JRMA reviewed the work quarterly, before preparing and submitting the VAT return. Secondly, we introduced RTC to our cashflow forecast, and provided training for them to run this themselves. This has given them full visibility of cash peaks and troughs as the business has developed. Thirdly, we provided them with a fully outsourced payroll service. The owners populate a simple template every month, to confirm hours and overtime, and we calculate the deductions, provide payslips, submit the returns to HMRC, and upload to the pension portal.

The benefits

As RTC have grown, so has the owners’ workload, and their bookkeeping needs have changed. We now provide a fully outsourced bookkeeping and VAT service, in order to free up some of the owners’ time. We now have extended our services, so that we now do all of their bookkeeping processing, as well as the VAT returns and payroll services. They continue to maintain their cashflow in house, resulting in owners whole retain a full knowledge of their forecasted cashflow.

Customer website

Free consultation

To find out more about how we can be of assistance to your business, please contact us and we will be happy to arrange a free, no obligation consultation with you.
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