Payroll services in Worcester

Payroll can be a very complicated aspect of running a business. There are so many different areas to be mindful of such as Auto Enrolment and Real Time Information, and that’s before you consider the allowances or deductions for Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay and so on. There’s no wonder many employers choose to outsource this time consuming task.
JRMA can manage the payroll for businesses throughout Worcestershire and the West Midlands, providing a swift, accurate and confidential service, whether you need weekly or monthly payrolls (or however frequently you pay your employees).
We can carry out the following payroll related tasks:
  • processing the payroll for all staff and directors;
  • calculating the necessary deductions per employee;
  • producing payslips, P60s and P45s;
  • taking care of any payroll queries your employees may have; and
  • ensuring all HMRC payroll regulations are complied with and by the appropriate deadlines.
We adopt a thorough approach to carrying out your payroll, giving you peace of mind that everything has been calculated and implemented correctly.
We can email or post payslips to employees and utilise robust procedures that adhere to the latest GDPR regulations.
Running your payroll doesn’t have to be something that you dread having to do, JRMA can take that burden away and do everything for you.

give us a call

We offer a free, no obligation, consultation for you to find out more about our payroll service and how it could save you lots of time and give you the peace of mind it’s all been taken care of. Simply contact us today and let’s have a conversation.
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